Other Side & Past Life Readings

Communication With The Other Side:

crossingoverMy abilities allow me to work with people who have Crossed Over, and help others connect to them by relaying their messages. Sometimes, when doing a reading that brings in someone from the Other Side, it is necessary to offer them a healing because they often have Crossed Over with drug energy in their auras and pain memory that leaves them anchored to the lower planes. After sweeping the energy, they are free from the pain memory and congested energy and are free to explore the Higher Realms of God.

Past Life Readings:

bridge (2)Past Life Readings are very beneficial in helping you understand certain personality traits or problematic patterns in your life. They can also tell you why you have certain phobias about things you can’t explain. If you have always had a certain fear or personality quirk and have no idea how it formed, Past Life Readings can help uncover the reason! Understanding the lesson you didn’t learn so long ago is very beneficial in moving past that energy or lesson. Another great benefit to past life readings is the ability to clear the karma behind a certain pattern in your life. You can find improvement with current relationships that have a past life tie. You can even discover the cause behind problematic patterns and clear the reason for them!

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